Sunday 20 January 2013

Movie Quotes - A Few Good Men

Anybody who has an inkling of this movie is generally well aware the most famous lines occur in the heated courtroom battle between Danny Kaffee and Colonel Jessup - 'You can't handle the truth'.

But I like this little gem also, a summation of Danny's journey as a lawyer and officer as well as his earning and showing respect for one of the men he is called on to defend.

To be fair the entire courtroom battle of wits between Kaffee and Jessop should be quoted to death - Jessop may be a hard SOB but he speaks some truth about the things we expect from the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our country (wherever you live in the world).  And this is a screenpaly written by Aaron Sorkin, so you kind of know he's going to blow you away with an intense battle of words.  You can't imagine anybody doing a better job of delivering Jessop's lines than Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise, just starting to really make an impact in his movies (this was the early 90's afterall) really makes a statement as he pours all his energy into his defence lawyer attitude.  But that's a lot of lines to 'instaquote' and like I said, 'Can't Handle' is the cliche line of the movie.  I suggest, if you haven't seen it or if it's been a while, you track down 'A Few Good Men' (personally I think everybody should have it in their movie collection) and watch it in it's entirety before watching and rewatching these final scenes (yeah, I rewind and rewind again just to see these two man battling it out with words alone) because it's just that good.  And look out for the above quote, because it's a sweet, pivitol moment after such a heated, temper driven face off.

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