Friday 25 January 2013

Movie Quotes - Les Miserables

I was in two minds after I watched Les Miserables about whether I just really really liked it or completely loved it.  This line, of course quoted from one of the many many songs that tell the story of Jean Valjean and the lives of the less fortunate of France really stuck with me.

Safe to say that this movie really stuck in my head days after seeing it and the songs hauntingly didn't leave my brain.  The more I think about it even now a few weeks since viewing it, I've come to realise Les Miserables is one of those epic encounters that does live up to it's reputation.  It isn't for everyone I know that - musicals don't tend to be and this is fairly long and not exactly the happiest of storylines.  I'm a huge fan of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Phantom tends to be the token much loved musical of his for me, but I think there's a possibility that if I ever get to see Les Mis performed in its live, on stage state, that Phantom of the Opera will be swept aside as sort of the kid sibling in the shadow of a brighter, much more dramatic tale of angst, drama and tradgedy.

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