Sunday, 20 January 2013


Lately I've come to realise that

a) I've watched a shitload of movies over the years


b) some of my friends have a very limited knowledge of some of the greatest movies ever made.

And I'm not just talking about the well known or the award winners or that movie that starred that really famous person who got paid the highest ever amount of money to play the role of their lives. I mean, I've seen some of those movies, but some movies are just epic and great and amazing because of personal taste, maybe even for just one scene or because really, how can anyone go through life without having seen this and have it affect their life in some small - or big - way.

So, I could either hang my head in shame and wonder how many hours of my life I've devoted to watching films - because it's rather obscene the amount of movies I own and have watched and will watch (even when they are really really bad). Or I could enjoy the fact I've got a rather wide ranging taste for various movies, genres, actors, directors etc and do something for my dear friends with such little knowledge and are evidently missing out on some epically awesome movie magic by educating them in movies they should see before they get so old they forget how a remote control works.

And in between blog posts about why you must watch a movie before dvd's become as obsolete as the vhs and we really begin to show our age, I'll throw in a few quotes because everyone should have some basic knowledge of movie quoting.

Problem is - which movie do we start with?

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